[ThemeForest] Envato Review Times

Hi all,

I submitted my first ever Wordpress Theme 35+ days ago - and whilst the review times indicate that it takes 35 days for new items - still haven’t heard anything back. Still says Queued for Review.

It’s the first time I’ve ever submitted anything - so still learning how it works - and I am by no means criticizing ThemeForest/Envato - just really wanted to know if my queued theme won’t be forgotten about! :slight_smile:

Many thanks,


38 Days… First Review… I Wait…

Three weeks for an HTML template and I’m yet to receive any initial communication from the reviewers team but at least they updated the review times on the quality page and it now shows that on average it takes 20 days to review new Site Template items and not 8 days like before.

it’s just a typical statement not addressing the issues, we (Authors) are wasting our time money ideas and work . imagine after 2- 3 months there will be no uniqueness in design, si i can say envato no more care about their authors


just really wanted to know if my queued theme won’t be forgotten about!

It takes a few days, but they definitely don’t forget about things. We just submitted our first product and it took about ~38 days if I recall correctly. They give pretty stellar notes for improvement if it’s a soft rejection – the reviewers we got even gave screenshot examples of the code that needed revision.

Soft rejection/updates have only taken about a day in turn around time, so it definitely moves quickly once you hear back initially.

You will wait at least 50-60 days

Yes, But You will get 10 soft rejects :slight_smile: Right now I had:

  1. 23 fixes
  2. 14 fixes
  3. 7 fixes
  4. 3 fixes
  5. 14 fixes
    5a) go drunk myself :slight_smile:
  6. … waiting

And every soft reject +2 days, for review I wait 43 days when queue was 18 for WP.

19 days and counting, after I waited 14 days the first time and my upload was rejected because I didn’t set a price for the file. I didn’t set a file because the price option didn’t exist when I first uploaded. SMH!!!

So total = 33 Days.

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20 days for PSD? It will be bad if someone get hard rejections and after this wait 20 days again, because PSD it often has no soft rejections


20 days for a PSD is absurd!
I offer my help, FREE of charge, to bring the PSD category to date. I am graphic designer, I have worked with 7 users on TF, I have ab 40 psd files accepted on different accounts over the last years. I even wrote a few tutorials on tutsplus. I am qualified to do this and I will do it for free, just to see things normal again.

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Hey folks,

Given the number of different threads we have discussing this issue, we’ve created a new topic containing some information on the issue.

40 Days… Wait…

With all due respect but your “PR department” began to extinguish the fire but first looked like everything burns.

Hello, can you help me?

20 days for simple HTML template. Soft reject, but it’s all good. Hope that this summer we’ll wait for our items as long as we used to months ago.

Just give us the “most patient author” badge already… :stuck_out_tongue:


41 Days…

13 days and I’m still waiting …

The thing is that top 10 authors sell about 7k items a week, it’s almost 2 times more than all other top weekly sellers together. These guys doesn’t upload new items, just update the old ones… for years. So we may all just stop uploading new items and this will change nothing for envato. ) This may sound fantastic but it’s as real as 1 month queue for review. 2 years ago even 7 day queue was unacceptable.


22 days and still waiting !
Looks like it will never ends.