The Ultimate AJ Goals and Achievements Thread šŸš€

Goal 2: Achieved!

Goal 3: Reach Elite level 3 - aka level 9!


Iā€™m evolving in a completely different genre (mainly sound effects), but I must say you are one of my inspirations! (pun intended). :smile:

Itā€™s like you breathe positivism and it reflects perfectly in your stats. Good luck with your next goal! :rocket: :slight_smile:

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Glad to see this thread is still active!

Weā€™ve seen some awesome goals from everyone so far. If you havenā€™t posted yours already, get to it! :slight_smile:


100 sales. goal 1 achieved. next goal is 4th paw

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My next goal - take 1300 sales:) I hope it will be very soon :slight_smile:


Yeah!!! I did it! The 3d goal achieved before the end of the year!:golf:
100 sales (less than a 3 months)!

The 4th goal - 150 sales.

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Now itā€™s become easier to get on the best sellers pages with the new genre specific categories thatā€™s a definite goal for me this year :blush: (But of course making it onto the main best sellling items page would be the real prize!)



GOAL 1 : Get my first Featured Item (or Featured author) !!! ; but it doesnā€™t only depend on meā€¦ :wink:

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100 sales before July. Not an easy task for a beginner, but achievable. It will be achieved by composing at least 3 tracks per month. Thatā€™s my goal. The year has started great, gotta ride the momentum and hammer it out til the bitter end! :kissing_heart:

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Iā€™m a new one here but my goal is to became a featured at list one time. I donā€™t know is it possible or not, but i believe if you work well and creating good works one day it will) All the best!:hamburger:

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Goal 3: achieved! COOL! :smiley:

My fourth Goal is to reach 50 sales.


Good luck @MagicStockSound :slight_smile:
44 sales to your fourth goal :wink:


Yepā€¦ :sunglasses:

Thank you very much, AudioPuppet!

Gentlemen, time for a plan:

Goal 1.: Generate enough traffic to get at least 1 sale per day or 30 sales a month.
Goal 2.: Finally write that Top Seller :wink:
Goal 3.: Upload regularly, bring 100 items to the marketplace.
Goal 4.: Get at least 2 sales per day or 60 sales a month.
Goal 5.: Hit Elite Author and generate a regular and solid income.

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Goal #1: Reach 100+ sales. This requires me to also do the twin goal of putting out 10+ QUALITY tracks per month consistentlyā€¦(Time to get busyā€¦:wink:)

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One Goal: Triplicate sales in AJ :raised_hands:

Send me to the moon! :rocket:


What does ā€œstableā€ mean? You canā€™t expect to hit it if you donā€™t define it! Itā€™s a great goal, but I just had to chime in with my 2 cents on that. :slight_smile:

The first goal in January: to attract (my portfolio) customers!

Earn a certain amount per month and not a cent less. when I reach this Iā€™ll tell :slight_smile:

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Since Iā€™ve been not very active here the last time, my goal is to stock my portfolio up to 100+ tracks this year.