The Sales Monitor

How was your sales during discounted period?

No changes, average earnings. May was very bad.

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I also do not have sales from South Korea

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Maybe because their marketing team now use most power for Element.

same here, no South Korea and Germany

First time I have Iraq

Me too

after 9 years here, thatā€™s something :slight_smile:

I WIN! :tada::crazy_face:

After Elements was launch I have no sales :cold_sweat:


Those burglar sites(share.X.X) are making the party right now! Cheers Elements! :(:rage:

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Yes huge drop on June. Maybe some clients are waiting for new after effects templates on Elements (not mine for sure) or itā€™s summer or both.

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I think it has something to do with Elements, I feel being left out

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Hey guys it is too early to say if Elements has an impact on sales, we have to wait for at least a month or two and compare with last year.


I agree, thanks!

Two weeks should probably be long enough to knowā€¦

Slow sales, But Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s by element ā€¦ Weā€™ll have to wait, guys luck.:surfing_man:t3::muscle:

Over my 8 years of selling on VH, June has always been one of the worst months. So far, things seem pretty typical this year as well.


The company I work has been buying for years AE templates.
Today has become an Envato elements customer and they decided from now on to buy from market only as last resort option.
So at least one customer left the market in favor of elements.

June sales are almost dead.
The past months my income was steadily increasing. March was my best month ever by far.
April would close with a 40% drop if I hadnā€™t release a new project. The new project sold well for 2-4 days and kept me at average income by the end of the month. After that it just died.
May was below average with unusual many days on the row without sales.
Juneā€¦well June is a disaster so far.


Even I, who bought items only few times, think about subscription. Four reasons:

  1. Download vector logos and use them in video preview (for my Logo Stings items).
  2. Look inside other AE templates. Not for steal something, but for learn any new tricks & tips, the project structure, and tutorial organisation.
  3. Maybe for customization service for other people. Now this business looks profitable.
  4. For any other personal projects.

19$ per month looks nothingā€¦

No doubt that is appealing for a frequent buyer.
Yes as a customer I am happy with elements.