Stock footage research and filters needs serious FIXING!

For real ENVATO ELEMENTS, please make it easier to find STOCK FOOTAGE.
Your search system and filters are terrible, unnecessary, and making me lose a lot of time!

I cannot put more than 2 words together and the results will display only for one of the words.
I need results for all words together:
a “BLUE JACKET” does not = to a “BLUE” sky.
an “ELECTRICIAN OUTDOOR” does not = to a family having a picnic “OUTDOOR”.

Also I need more videos from the same actor in similar locations.
The “Similar Stock Videos” filter displays totally opposite videos. It’s just terrible and counter productive.
Please have an option to find actual similar videos with:

  • same actors
  • same camera angles
  • same film-maker
  • same locations.


Thank you!

I couldn’t agree more and why when you view similar videos it doesn’t show more videos with the same actors by the same filmmaker? These would be helpful features.