Soft Rejected, please help

I get soft reject from the items that I uploaded on themeforest.
Please someone help me.
This is my demo item:

Here is the comment from Envato Quality team reviewer:

  1. There are spacing and alignment issues in this item. Please make sure that all elements are aligned properly and spacing is consistent from section to section. Here are some articles with more information regarding negative space and proper spacing:,

  2. The typographic hierarchy of this item requires additional work. For more information, please read:

  3. Mobile styling needs attention/improvement in some areas. Please check/test your pages carefully and resolve all issues.

We look forward to reviewing your submission once you’ve made the changes!

please check same for Experience section.
pleae check your design for all small devices breakpoint for mobile issues.

Oke, thanks for your feedback. I will change that.

hi for me the disposition is interesting (sort of original), some technical things as well, like the progressive writing, but honestly, for me, the graphic part is a bit too simple and thus not impressive enough visually at this stage. Besides, i do not see the link between the picture (the picture is not doing any favor to your item visually speaking by the way …) and the theme , there is a global lack of coherence in the theme, style and graphic part , according to me

Okayy, I understand… Thanks for the feedback @n2n44

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u are welcome