[Soft Reject] for the fifth time

Hello envato forums, few days ago i resubmit my design to review afterwards i’ve got a rejection again. The reviewer email was like this:

  1. READABILITY: Parts of your design are either difficult to read or have contrast issues. Please make sure all sections of your design have adequate contrast and all text is easily readable on all devices.

  2. VISUAL HIERARCHY: The visual hierarchy of this item requires additional work. Focus on better defining which areas of this item should demand more attention and creating a logical structure to the design. For more information, please read: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/an-introduction-to-hierarchy-webdesign-14947

  3. SPACING AND ALIGNMENT: There are spacing and alignment issues in this item. Please make sure that all elements are aligned properly and spacing is consistent from section to section. Here are some articles with more information regarding negative space and proper spacing: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/using-white-space-or-negative-space-in-your-designs--webdesign-3401,\ http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/adding-space-to-your-designs--webdesign-14836

  4. COLOR PALETTE: The chosen color palette requires additional work. For more information, see: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/an-introduction-to-color-theory-for-web-designers--webdesign-1437

this is my design

Thanks .

Hi H-theme!
Your design is nice, but, like reviewer says, needs works.

Read all texts, and where you have troubles to read, improve the color text or background color.

Some sections in your designs have image background, try to remove background image from ABOUT ME section.

Spacing needs improvements. Make your own padding template, download a template from PSD category and make a section-to-section template and one for title-to-content template.
Alignment needds improvements too. Did you use a grid system? If no… try a grid.

Red color is not right for this template. Try a lighter red or another one.

I hope after make all changes your template will be accepted.