Searching for support team member

Hi there,
I’m not able to handle my support alone anymore so I’m searching for a fresh team member

$300-$500 pm depending on number of support requests, performance and professionalism.
Work Involved
90% of support is for my newsletter plugin which requires good knowledge of WordPress. Also some basic knowledge about email delivery and email service providers would help. Other requests are regarding my email templates. 1 to 1 and a 1/2 hours per day for 5 days (Mon – Fri)

I have a knowledge base where most common questions have been answered and you only have to redirect users to certain FAQs.

All support requests are handled via Email (over Helpscout), you’ll get a new email address with my domain and an account on Helpscout.

You’re going to answer item comments as well (via same email address). Since this is only possible via my account you’ll have to add a signature to each respond.

I’m on MEZ (currently UTC+2) but timezone doesn’t really matter.

I can terminate your contract at any time for any reason. For example if I no longer need support due to lack of support requests or if you are slacking. I don’t think this will happen though.

Depending on your locations I’ll pay you after each month via PayPal or Payoneer (what you prefer) and how many tickets you have answered.

Fluent English, Good Communication Skills, Business ettique when communicating with customers, Good WordPress Knowledge.

If you’re interested please contact me via my profile page and tell me why you like to apply, what your skills are and if you’re already helping another author (preferred)
