Sales down 70% from 2018 to 2023 !!! Terrible status! What do you think about the future?

YES~, this is why I am saying that Elements has no future as well, once authors get sick of the silent treatment from Envato and sales are getting so bad that you literally feel depressed, at this point creating something new to sell is impossible…

Basically, Envato is killing itself at this point, which makes no sense to me it still has the best freelancer authors here, so why doesn’t the new CEO start chatting with us, I remember after Colin left he was present in the forum, what happened?

WHY? I simply don’t understand.



Now where is Nokia?? This is my advice for all Company and Business Man :smiley:


The interests of Envato depend on the interests of its designers and developers. If they are not satisfied with the work in Envato Market and leave Envato, there will be no more market and there will be no income for Envato. Therefore, Envato must take into account the wishes and collective interests of designers and developers. All of us have started our business here and we are here hoping to earn good income. I am working here full time and I expect to earn enough to support my living expenses.

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Yes, this is why I am so confused, I am sure this post has gotten to the right ears, we cand still fix this place!

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Just leaving this here, I said this 3 years ago and things haven’t improved since:


I agree, since Elements came up Envato sees only Elements, this has to change!

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Hi everybody! This topic is as important and relevant as possible. Our task is to ensure that this does not go unnoticed (as always).

I will try to VERY briefly explain my vision of the problem. The mutually beneficial relationship between the market and the author has always been built on the simplest possible principle:

The author has a product (item) - the market has a buyer (traffic). The author’s task is to increase the value of the product, the market’s task is to increase the amount of traffic. Win-Win!

BUT! Envato market began to take completely opposite steps.

  1. Efforts to attract traffic have been reduced to zero.
  2. The market transfers the remaining organic traffic to Elements
  3. The market even takes away the authors’ own referral traffic!!! (by the way, this is my main traffic now).

The author on Envato Market now resembles a boat that sails against the wind and the current at the same time.


You are completely right in all your points, personally, I don’t understand why the management team is completely ignoring us authors here in the forum and this has happened since Colin left… is like we don’t even exist!

I feel like they intentionally want to kill this place… they already did this with the stock market!

Can anybody pass this post on to the CEO team and start rebuilding this place?


To be fair, Collis had been called out on the matter of the hijacking of Market’s traffic by Elements when he was still in charge… and he had been completely useless. Only said he was astonished that the marketplaces were not crumbling as fast as he thought they would.

We need to talk with the management about this otherwise this place will be gone soon, the best authors are already leaving this place!

I would hate to see this place dead after all the effort was put into it!

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Just stopping by to see what’s new in this thread.

Unfortunately, the new trend is going to be subscription based models (it’s everywhere not just within the stock product market). So a lot of the older models are being phased out. Just like the Marketplace here, it’s basically a deadzone for the most part. The emphasis going forward is Elements and will stay that way.

I took a look at the Videohive landing page just to see if any trailer like projects were doing okay as I was thinking of getting back into doing my trailer titles series to try to help “cross” promote my AJ works. Seeing not only a colorful banner at the top, but a bigger banner halfway down the page just promoting Elements and telling you to go there. Over half the page was telling me to go to Elements and not the Marketplace. I decided it wouldn’t be worth the effort to work on Videohive projects as I don’t think it would be valuable in terms of bringing a bigger bump in sales.

The Marketplace had a good run for a while. I, at least, was doing decent sales. Nothing to 100% live off of but decent and now it takes me around 3 months to get enough sales to warrant a payout. Elements brings in a lot of value for customers (and income for Envato), so I understand why that is the focus of Envato these days.

All we can really do is try to adapt the best we can and promote ourselves when we can.


The help Envato gave us when the war started in Ukraine was life-saving, we are grateful for that, and I will be as careful as possible with my statements, because I don’t want to upset such wonderful people.

Unfortunately for a while now sales have been almost zero and this is not sustainable for us because we have a life and a family. We do not want to delay our customers’ support requests by dealing with different tasks, because if we do different tasks, unfortunately, we will not be able to allocate the necessary time to our customers.

Currently, the sales (other products) we make on our own site look better than Codecanyon, so we changed the exclusivity of our item and are waiting for the one month period to expire.

Marketplace problems like this, illegal distribution of our software, and the occasional problematic customer issues we experience really challenge us. It would be great if Envato informed us instead of staying silent.


Yesterday I had a client who explicitly asked to buy one of my plugins directly from me, of course, I refused since I am an exclusive author but what will happen next?

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The subscription model does not work for code is impossible to make a living from it…


Just wanted to share a little snippet from my journey in the plugin development world. I’ve been passionately working on my plugin for a whopping 9 months, pouring heart and soul into it. The exciting part? It got approved!

Now, here comes the plot twist – after the much-anticipated approval, the sales department seems to be on vacation. It’s been 2 weeks, and the sales chart is looking eerily similar to a barren desert LOL

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I totally agree. It could be viable for content like audio, photo or video, but for code it is not the ideal model.

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if Envato continues Elements, we have to find another marketplace or another job! Because Elements caused sales to be 0!

Elements is not the only reason for low sales, but I think 85% is related to the Elements!

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Everywhere is Elements banner and Envato invites all users to buy from the Elements! If I were a user, I prefer to subscribe to Elements to access thousands of WordPress themes except of buying a single WordPress theme at an equal price!

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Envato destroys our work and life with the Elements! Because Elements doesn’t generate any income for authors and has reduced the market’s income a lot and even brought it to 0 for some authors .

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Why don’t we unite here as authors I don’t understand, I guess most authors already give up…

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