Romanians! How do you declare your income? (2016)

waiting also. the first who knows what to do, please share :slight_smile:

It looks that this matter is still subject of interest and I’ve received a lot of questions on my blog. Last year I sent a complaint to the Romanian Ministry of Finance and I was assured that ANAF will not request anymore legalized translation and apostile for the tax payment proof in US. Also, I noticed that this formality is not anymore mentioned in the guidelines attached to Form 201. How was your experience with ANAF in this respect?

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Hi guys,

So here’s the deal, from what i have been told, we don’t have to do a thing, it’s all have been taken care of and at some point we will receive the amount of money that’s been due, basically the IRS will send to ANAF and ANAF to us.

Let’s see when this happens.

Hi all,

Have you had any luck recovering the tax? The “experts” in my city are telling me that this doesn’t apply to me since my company is a “microintreprindere” (less than 500k euro/year). That doesn’t make any sense in my opinions so kindly let me know if you managed to deduct the US tax somehow.

Thanks in advance!

That’s plain stupid.

You just have to wait and you’ll get the money in your account at some point, it will take a while though, might even be next year, but you’ll get them as long as you have given proper company info in your envato account.

Thanks for your reply!

Without declaring anything? That sounds like a fairy tale. :slight_smile:
My accountant has no idea what do do with the form I received from Envato.

Yes, without declaring a thing since there’s nothing to declare.

They don’t need to do a thing with it, it’s above your power, you just have to wait.

Incaseaza cineva veniturile de la Envato prin drepturi de autor?
Ca recent mi-am dat seama ca noi de fapt producem produse software, muzica, video, etc si de fapt ar trebui sa primim veniturile sub forma de drepturi de autor…nu prin PFA, microintreprindere sau SRL.

Incaseaza cineva cu drepturi de autor si ne zice si noua cum se face la ANAF, contabilitate, etc?

Is someone receveing the Envato earnings with Romanian “drepturi de autor”?
We are producing software, music, videos and we should in fact receive revenue for intellectual rights, not PFA, MI sau SRL.

Can anyone tell us how?

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Cred ca te complici cu drepturile de autor, mai ales ca nu ai doar produsul in sine ci si support-ul. In cazul acesta ar trebui sa te ocupi de amandoua separat (produs + support). Si nu cred ca se incadreaza doar la “drepturi de autor” pentru ca de fapt vinzi o licenta unica pentru fiecare cumparator, deci el nu cumpara doar produsul ci cumpara si “licenta”.

Nu am nici cea mai vaga idee daca este corect legislativ ceea ce zic, insa nu cred ca se pot incadra in totalitate la drepturi de autor.

Question for Romanian authors:

I received in 13 March 2017 from Envato, a letter containing the 1042-S form (which states how much money were retained for federal taxes in USA for me as author for 2016).

From what I understood, there is nothing I have to do regarding that, here, in Romania, at ANAF.

Still, I have not received yet any form from ANAF, regarding any recalculations (regularizare pentru sume platite in baza evitarii dublei impuneri). I think ANAF should substract that sum from 1042 from my taxes in Romania. They haven’t done that yet.

So, I am asking again

should I fill at ANAF a D200 (Declaratia 200) in which I should declare the sum from 1042-S letter ? (este o bifa pe formularul D200 unde scrie “sume pentru evitarea dublei impuneri”)


I am new to this thread! Nice to meet you all!

After some reading, I found out that if I submit a W-7 form to the IRS and get a Foreign Tax Identification Number (TIN), and introduce this TIN in the Envato’s tax policy settings, I will be not subject of the ‘US Royalty Withholding Tax’.

Does any Romanian SRL owner made this successfully?

I would need this info, because if this is possible, I would prefer using a SRL for my activities. But if not, I would prefer continuing on a PFA, because on a PFA, you can surely deduct the ‘US Royalty Withholding Tax’ from your tax (impozit pe profit).


Hello all,
Can somebody advice me with follow question?
I have account here on themeforest for 2years, i earn like 400usd/month and money to paypal.
i dont have company/firm because i think are so little money , I use montly to withdraw from paypal personal to my personal bank account, 200-250-max 400 usd/month

Is there a way to fill any declaration to ANAF and pay vat 10% because i want next year to declare for this year and pay vat. Also i want to make this year by year. Or if i declare will be problems with “amenda-penalitati” because they will check me/my bank account?

Is here someone that made like my and declare money without company?

Thank you.

Hello @alexandru1981

In Romania, unfortunately you cannot have an income like this (making money online) without having a sort of commercial organisation (PFA, SRL, SRLD, etc)

Here is an article written by a Romanian accountant exactly about this, a very helpful article:

Regarding the VAT you mentioned, if you earn about 400dollars per month, this is about 192.000 lei in an year, so you don’t have to pay VAT. The VAT is something else and has to be payed only if your annual income is above 220.000 lei (this amount may be was changed though, with the latest laws).

I think you wanted to ask about a method of paying only the tax named “impozit” 10%. With the latest laws, this is possible: if you earn monthly below the 1.900 lei minimum salary, you can create a PFA and you’ll have to pay only 10% tax (impozit). Hope this helps a bit. :slight_smile:

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With the latest laws, this is possible: if you earn monthly below the 1.900 lei minimum salary, you can create a PFA and you’ll have to pay only 10% tax (impozit)

This might be not always the case - if you earn more than 1900 lei/ month with a PFA, you have to pay 10% impozit + (25%CAS + 10% CASS - but these two are calculated from the minimum salary 1900, even if you earn more - so this can be considered a fixed tax) + 19% VAT from the percentage Envato earns from your sales (comisionul variabil Envato - in functie de cat ai vandut pana acum).

The latest tax (19% VAT from Envato earnings) must be payed only if you are ‘neplatitor de TVA’ and can be skipped if you make yourself ‘platitor de TVA’ (I know, it is counterintuitive). :slight_smile:

Sorry, not vat. Impozit pe suma declarata.
So is possible without any form of company to withdraw monthly money max 1900ron and next year to pay only 10% to anaf using 201* declaratie*?

If yes, what i need to choose from there?

I wanted to open pfa or srl d but i dont earn so much and i want the best solution to pay taxes and to withdraw all money from paypal account.

I heard that the best option is to have company with account, and here good accountant to know about PayPal is not :slight_smile:

And normal account wants 100 euro for few hours so if i have him on my company and company, i work for free :slight_smile:

Can i have your best advice in this case?

Also you can pm me if you want to say something in Romanian.

Thanks and only the best.

so, does anyone managed to get te IRS taxes deducted? eager to find out, i keep getting every year the papers from IRS but didnt bother to find out if i can deduct those money.

My accountant refused to file these IRS tax deductions, said that this cannot be done.

Anyone here who deducted these taxes successfully? I suspect there will be nobody…


I have a SRL that is paying VAT

My accountant is saying that VAT should be payed for the transactions.

The problem is that there is no evidence being sent of that VAT being collected

How do you handle this ?

I suggest you double check on the need to pay VAT with a second accountant, as in my case, I had to pay VAT only when my firm was not VAT paying (neplatitor de TVA). And after I changed my firm to VAT paying (platitor de TVA), I was no longer required to pay foreign VAT any more.