Reached Elite Level

We are happy to announce that we reached Level 7 Elite badge on April-'19. It’s not easy for us & I know it’s not easy for any other Elite Authors.

The journey started in 2014 & we stick with Envato & produce the quality products. We have seen lots of up & down during this timeline.

What did we learn? & What novice Authors care most to become successful?

  • Stick with current market statistics
  • Always do R&D & make a plan accordingly
  • Do quality work instead of quantity
  • Customer Support & their Review/Ratings makes a lot of impact on product sales.
  • Do analysis & get inspired by other Authors work
  • Stick with a particular category(s) where you are perfect
  • Always get yourself or (team) updated with Technolgy & update your products too.
  • Do frequently participate in Envato Forum - Their you find lots of solutions, news, inspiration & motivations from customers & Authors too.


  • Copycat strategies - Do not copy any Authors work, make sure Envato knows everything

Challenges I face

  • New technology adaption - Technolgy updated every year & we must learn & adapt it to our product.
  • Envato marketplace changes - Author Driven Pricing, New Category page design change, New Item upload restrictions.

Thank you, team Envato for all of this.



Congrats! :tada:

Your Elite Badge Granted Mar '19. Around 1 year later you feel you need share your joy with our nice community.
By the way Congratulations :tada:

HUGE Congrats!

Yes, that’s true. Its a year after I announce this to community.

Thank You


Thank You @romlam

Good job

1 Like

Hi congratulation for your Elite achievement! And thank your for sharing your experiences!

Do you got your parcel from Envato? such us t-shirt etc? or just got bonus commission?

Congrats! but why did you do this? after 1 year later? :rofl: :joy:

Congratulations! :tada:

Thank you @mahative

No…Still not get anything from Envato.


Thanks @Karinamell

congrats, huge accomplishment

Thanks for your kind words. Yes its kind of huge achievement for us @n2n44