Can I ask a question?
I would like to make a film for a international fashion company with a music from audio jungle.
Can we use this film on a display of their shops, their corporate website, and SNS such as Instagram ?
And which license should be fine for our purpose?
Read here about license in Audiojungle.
Thank you for your reply.
I had already read this.But there is no information refer to a display of shops.
I had tried to reach to official contact ,but could not find.So I came here.
Does anyone know about it?
I am at loss as I have to answer my client rapidly.
Thank you so much.
Hello @wataruyonedaphotogra ! You can wait for an answer from @PurpleFog (as soon as he is online), you can also send a support ticket to find out all the details specifically for your question, they will be happy to help you!
Good luck!
Thank you so much for you kindness!!!
Big help^ - ^
I appreciate you!!!
The Standard license covers your intended uses, including the in-shop display. If displays were to be used in more than 10 000 shops, then you would need the Mass Reproduction license.
Please note that the playing the music in shops is a public performance which, depending on your country, may require the shop owner(s) to pay performance royalties.
Hope it helps!
Edit: This is merely an advice from an author, only support can give you a binding answer.
Thank you very much for the clear explanation!
That’s amazing!!!
I really appreciate you!