Please I purchase a theme yesterday only to find out that is missing stylesheet.

Please help solve this issues, Please help, theme: MACOSX Stylesheet is missing and charity-psd-main-files Stylesheet is missing.

This should help you for missing styelsheet:

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They are suppose to be four items but is only 3

All files & documentation
License certificate & purchase code (PDF)
License certificate & purchase code (text)

The zip file that am to upload is missing
Installable WordPress file only is not available on the drop down

Hmm, It looks like you have not purchase a WordPress version

Really? why do you say so please?


Past here a link to item which you have purchase[code-removed]

You need to provide a link to live demo item

Here is the demo

That is just a pure PSD template (as you see in title) and cost $3.

Here is a link to WP version (and cost $54):

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Don’t have such money that was why i purchase this thinking is the same wordpress theme.

Please advice on how i can install this template on wordpress

You can’t install PSD on WordPress. PSD are “just images” and you can’t install that.

Ok thanks very much for your amazing support. I appreaciate