Hey guys,
Sorry, i am new here.
I am using the PenNews Theme and the additional Penci Pennew Review Plugin. For translating i use LocoTranslate. I tried to translate the Pennew Review Plugin in German but LocoTranslate cannot find the line to translate.
What did i wrong? Maybe someone can help please.
Thank you very much.
Pen News is a popular WordPress theme known for its flexibility and rich features. To translate Pen News using Loco Translate simply install and activate the Loco Translate plugin. Once activated go to the “Loco Translate” section in your WordPress dashboard select Themes and choose “Pen News” from the list. You can then create a new translation for your desired language or edit existing translations. Loco Translate allows you to easily translate theme text strings directly from the WordPress interface without needing to modify any code. It’s a user friendly way to localize the theme for your audience.