Observation from a Newbie to AJ

Ok! Thanks for clearing it up.

Im sorry, I just have a bad experience with an ad agency letting someone else copy my pitched track cheaper and quickly registering pro, and I don’t have a case…

Anyway… Good to know!!!

The thing is, you do have a case, if you can prove what happened (that is a big IF but not at all impossible, e.g. based on electronic exchange, you sending them your pitched track, etc.) Provided you can prove legal ownership of the idea, the key question is whether the damage (-> potential compensation should you win) is worth the legal cost risk - but that is a question for your lawyer. In any case, there is no such thing as copyright-free music, except for CC (although some youtubers might think otherwise :sunglasses:).

Unfortunately ‘originality’ doesn’t mean sales on here. We’re making ‘generic music’ for video accompaniment, it’s why people buy pleasant sounding 1-4-6-5 chord progressions and not avant garde jazz expressionism

If you are good (composing, production), write for the market, spend a lot of time on SEO and marketing, don’t give up and work hard every day, yes, you will do well.

Might not be #1 or #10, because there’s only so much room, but you will do well. And this is DEFINITELY true everywhere in life.

If you expect to be making a full-time income, expect to put in at least 40 hours of quality time per week too.

Well, an obvious rhetorical question is that among 10 millions of items on AJ is it possible that somebody was trying to fit a trend but ripped off somebody’s work instead?

I’m from Holland but your case sounds strange in some way. Next time I can help you (if needed).

You should register the copyright - Here is the US online registry http://copyright.gov/eco/ I’m not sure if it will hold up in certain countries but it should for many.

Just saw this thread - Recently I saw a thread (it was something like yay 4k sales or something) so I went to check the authors recent music. His/her corporate tracks were straight rip-offs of popular tracks from fellow Audiojungle authors. It blew my mind that it was so easy to recognize - So I emailed one of the authors telling him that one of his popular tracks was ripped off and he emailed me back and linked me 2 additional people cloning his music and said this kind of thing happens a lot here. Kind of a shock to see such blatant copying of every part of the track including melody.

I understand the problems with churning out corporate tracks (I tried a few myself as well as the obligatory ukulele track or two…). The other problem that no one talks about is that corporate stuff is lowest common denominator composing. The reason there’s tons of them is because they involve very little effort to make.

I’ve realised if I want to get a name here I need to do things others can’t and write tracks to my strengths. I get the feeling those are the tracks I’ll enjoy the most and will have the longest shelf life.

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