Not Received Affiliate Earning

If you try hard enough, you can even get referrals from :slight_smile:

Please forgive me for asking, friend ; because I am not that good with Envato’s Affiliate Scheme too… What do you mean by “” ? (if it was an irony, that’s “ok” too) - @ki-themes


You’re right :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha not a problem ; wish you a great week friend! :smile:

I did a silly mistake today. I append ?href=myusername instead of ?ref=myusername
Thus, I missed the money. :frowning:

Hi all,
Someone can tell me how is it with affiliate?
I know in my account I have to generate my luni, but this affiliate account is aprouved by envato and not all can be affiliate?


Emile here form the affiliate team. There’s no offical application process to refer new customers to Envato Market as an affiliate. AS you mentioned, you’ll need to generate your referral link on this page - and post this link on your website, blog, social media, YouTube wherever it is you may be promoting.
This video explains how to generate your referral link -

Let me know if you have any other questions -

Yes i made like this ,

Can i make my reff link and then to use google short url or i need to keep that link ?

Sure the link shortener should work fine. Send to me if you like so I can check it 100% :+1:



Thank you

Can i know who signup with my affiliate link , when ever any click on affiliate link this message come
404 - Nothing to see here

Dear sir,
one of our client purchase theme through our affiliate link but we not get received any affiliate earning till now

one of our client purchase theme through our affiliate link but we not get received any affiliate earning till now
Kindly reply

Hey! I’ve already sent a pretty high volume of clicks to my affiliate links, but had only 1 sale. I know that there at least several more sales, but i can’t see them in my account for a long time already. Could anybody please help with this? To whom could i apply in order to get information about orders that are pending? It would be great to know the amount of pending orders and the reason of rejection if any of the orders do not count towards my earnings.
Thank you

Thanks for your note, have you familiarised yourself with our program terms -
How would you know ‘there are several more sales’? Is your traffic organic or through personal recommendations?
Feel free to pose any further questions on
Envato affiliate team