Nexio wp theme by ThemeREX activation Token error

To use the Nexio theme i’m requested, by the author, to activate it with my Token. I created one, but when i submit it i get an error: “Invalid purchase key”. I followed all the directions i could find, but nothing works. I appreciate any help.


I’m using Envato Elements account, (i might be wrong), but i dont have access to author page. That’s why i came to the forum and also sent a ticket to Envato team. Just hopping to have an answer.

The items on Elements shouldn’t have “activation” feature and it shouldn’t ask “purchase code” to enable the features.

I already did. But i think the issue comes from the themes dashboard, it blocks me the access to the features (demo import, skins, etc)
Thanks anyway.

You don’t have “purchase code”, you need to choose “downloaded from Elements” option

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The image i uploaded was to show the screen i get. But your suggestion i already tried.

You still do not need a purchase code - click the link to generate an envato Elements Token

Well, it was the very first thing i did, otherwise i wouldn’t be here asking for a solution. But thanks.

I found the solution:
1 - I’m required to use my Envato Elements Token.
2 - Because i have one, generated by Envato’s page, i used it. Gives me an error.
3 - But, if i follow the link provided to generate a new one, it does work.

Never occurred to me, that maybe there are different Tokens?? And all the documentation i’ve read doesn’t mention it, only people commenting with the same problem.

But thanks for your answers.