My vector was rejected, I need feedback

My vector was rejected, I need feedback

Just add few more variant then as one pack and try to submit again.

Thank you :slight_smile: Looking at similar images
Viking Face Graphics, Designs & Templates | GraphicRiver (Page 2)
I thought that it would be enough to draw only one variant, since there are many accepted images with only one version. Thank you for the helpful tips. I will think about it.

Most of them are old ( at least a year or two years before uploaded ) or they have better details.

Thanks for the detailed explanation :slight_smile:

try to make it using outline bro, not a filled black as a background

Thank you. I will try :slight_smile:

Hello @TribaliumENV
Your design is good but it feel flat style, you need add shadow, light, etc illustrator as like other design in graphicriver approved, good luck.

Thank you. That makes sense.