My First 200 Sales!!! WooHoo

I’m very excited to announce that i have reached 200 sales in my time here in Envato, i want to thank this awesome community that always want to help each other and the Envato staff, that make possible that this website keep going, also want to thank some of the authors that always be there for me and helped me in this journey.

Keep making music and follow your instincts all the music that we make worth every penny.


Great words mate! And congratulations in your milestone! Wish you a lot of sales! :blush:

Great work,Music_Wave! :slight_smile: :balloon: :tada: GLW$ in future! :wink:

Congrats, btw nice portfolio :wink:

Congratulations, Music_Wave! Great work! You’ll hit level 4 in no time now :wink:

Congrats mate, Good luck

Congrats,mate !

Congratulations Music_Wave. Great milestone!

you deserve this an a lot more!! Well done!

Congrats, man!!!)

Congrats Music Wave!

Good job and Congratulation!!!

Thanks you guys i appreciate all your comments and your kind words. :smile:

Congratulations!!! I wish you inspiration for further success!!! :+1:

Congratulations, Music_Wave. That’s impressive! Keep it up! :wink:

Congrats mate. Nice tracks :+1:

That’s a Bingo from me.

Congrats Music_Wave! :tada: