Today I’m celebrating my 1 year birthday with Envato, WhoooHooo. And to celebrate i have received my brand new badge, my first payout from envato and my latest product " The Ultimate Comic Book Creator" was approved as well. If you guys have some time to spare i would really appreciate a comment or 2. so all and all a pretty awesome day so far.
I have only been selling actively on Graphicriver for the past month. Although i’m not pulling in millions or thousands of dollars, the current exchange rate makes it awesome seeing that i’m from South Africa and i get 15ZAR to every 1USD. I don’t have to tell you that its a huge thing in a country where the economy is up to S#$T
I would just like to thank the community as well as Envato staff for being so wonderful and supportive. I never thought that my digital products could sell and that is why i never uploaded them.
Thank you for a very awesome 1 Year Envato, and to everyone that has either bought or commented on one of my products. You Guys Rock