MCPS - AudioJungle

Hello! Can you help me? IM an exclusive author on AudioJungle and would like to join PRS MCPS but during registration there is some licenses mandates i need to choose:

Licensing mandates

As a member, you give MCPS the authority (mandate) to license, collect and distribute royalties for uses of their music or catalogue.
Below we detail the various mandates and exclusions that can be made if necessary.See Details
For each of these categories, you can choose to:

  • MCPS only - Allow MCPS to license all users
  • Member only - License directly, without the benefit of MCPS services
  • MCPS on 1st call - Allow MCPS to license where MCPS receives the first enquiry. (This only applies to mandates for Theatrical Motion Pictures, TV advertisements, Radio Adverts and TV Programmes)

Do you know if it will cause some conflicts with AudioJungle? Thank you!