Looking for Some sort of training tracker

Hi, my wife teaches sports to special needs kids, and I’m looking for some sort of tracker. Let me explain what I want, and hopefully, you guys can help me. I’m after something that will let me add the following:

  1. User and Parent. I want the parent to sign in and see their kid on their portal.
  2. Add or modify fields regarding that user. I want to add elements regarding what the user is learning and how well they are progressing so that the parent can sign in and check on the progress, what their child is working on, what they need to improve on, and so on.

Ideally, I want some sort of chart to see how well they are progressing. I guess it will be under CRUD or Activity Tracker or User Management.

I’m not sure what I need and what to look for on Codecanyon. If anyone could advise me on what I need, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you

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