I bought the Enfold theme a few days ago and am using it on a website I am working on. Excellent, I can see why it is so popular. Good value. I will buy another one soon for another site as I understand that it is one site per license.
Included in the theme when downloaded was LayerSliderWP. I am using that for the front page slider but when I went to update it, it says it has to be activated. Is it not included with the theme? I don’t mind so much paying for something but I hate it when I think I am getting something and then find out it is extra in a kind of sneaky way.
Anyway, my question is this. Will the LayerSlider sliders and slider admin all keep working even if they are never updated and the LayerSlider WP never activated? This is pretty important for me to know and would have been nice to know before I spend three or four hours getting to know how to use it.