The first concern was the period of support. This was Andrew’s reply explaining that this has not altered.
Regarding the period stated in your dashboard - I don’t know if there is an official response but I promise you this is because it refers to the new envato guaranteed support which is not the same as the lifetime mentioned in Andrew’s post.
It’s crucial to understand that the guaranteed /paid for/listed in dashboard support from envato is NOT the same as any support, lifetime or otherwise, offered by authors previously.
- Not compulsory
- Author could stop or even remove files completely as and when they wanted
- Between authors and buyers (as it is today). Envato couldn’t enforce it (a reason to want to change it).
- Envato officially guarantee initially 6 months (more if purchased) support
Previously buyers got an author promising support which was completely unenforceable and could be ignored at any time. The paid extensions now are for official protection - just like an extended warranty offline.
It may not seem like it the new policy is a buyer benefit because bottom line, nothing has changed except that now buyers get 6 months FREE and official assurance which never existed previously.
As I said I’m sure one of the envato staff will reply but hopefully this clears some of it up in the meantime.