Image size

Hi! I bought and installed VintWood theme. Very fun and good theme. But I wonder about image sizes, there is nowhere to read about. I have so far tested myself to find the right image size, but it is unsustainable. Is there any text about it?

Best regards
Jan-Ove Johansson

Hi @JanOve58,

You can ask this query directly to the theme author by posting comments going through the theme Comments page. The theme author will answer your query.

How to contact an author to get support for any Item issue or for any technical query:


Have you tried reaching out to the theme’s support team?

When I first played around with it, I faced the same image size puzzle. What worked for me was experimenting a bit and then using JPG compress to find that sweet spot. It’s like fine-tuning to keep your site looking snazzy without sacrificing loading speed.