I want to selll data base of all the countries,regions and cities but the developed code is rejected please help....

I want to sell data base of all the countries,regions and cities but the developed code is rejected please help… And i am getting this error…

Consider using at least a minimal framework to structure the application better. Right now, it’s a mix of HTML, PHP and SQL.

I don’t know how to solve it as i have used all the PHP code to generate SQL results and front end is developed using —
but not getting – how to remove HTML as to show select box i need HTML code to show results in table i need HTML code …
As data is in three categories COUNTRIES,REGIONS,CITY AND i need them to be shown when ever they are called–so i need to use SQL to store and display data …
as to print DATA from SQL under HTML SELECT FORM type i need PHP…

Please guide what to do now … :frowning: :frowning:

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Same here… 5 months lost due to this…

Hi shivneetns

OK, can I ask why use a DB, realistically this could only be a ‘table’ that I would add to my DB why not just serve up JSON files e.g.

 var countrylist = [{'label':'Afghanistan','id':'AF'},{'label':'Åland Islands','id':'AX'},{'label':'Albania','id':'AL'},{'label':'Algeria','id':'DZ'},{'label':'American Samoa','id':'AS'},{'label':'Andorra','id':'AD'},{'label':'Angola','id':'AO'},{'label':'Anguilla','id':'AI'},{'label':'Antarctica','id':'AQ'},{'label':'Antigua and Barbuda','id':'AG'},{'label':'Argentina','id':'AR'},{'label':'Armenia','id':'AM'},{'label':'Aruba','id':'AW'},{'label':'Australia','id':'AU'},{'label':'Austria','id':'AT'},{'label':'Azerbaijan','id':'AZ'},{'label':'Bahamas','id':'BS'},{'label':'Bahrain','id':'BH'},{'label':'Bangladesh','id':'BD'},{'label':'Barbados','id':'BB'},{'label':'Belarus','id':'BY'},{'label':'Belgium','id':'BE'},{'label':'Belize','id':'BZ'},{'label':'Benin','id':'BJ'},{'label':'Bermuda','id':'BM'},{'label':'Bhutan','id':'BT'},{'label':'Bolivia, Plurinational State of','id':'BO'},{'label':'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba','id':'BQ'},{'label':'Bosnia and Herzegovina','id':'BA'},{'label':'Botswana','id':'BW'},{'label':'Bouvet Island','id':'BV'},{'label':'Brazil','id':'BR'},{'label':'British Indian Ocean Territory','id':'IO'},{'label':'Brunei Darussalam','id':'BN'},{'label':'Bulgaria','id':'BG'},{'label':'Burkina Faso','id':'BF'},{'label':'Burundi','id':'BI'},{'label':'Cambodia','id':'KH'},{'label':'Cameroon','id':'CM'},{'label':'Canada','id':'CA'},{'label':'Cape Verde','id':'CV'},{'label':'Cayman Islands','id':'KY'},{'label':'Central African Republic','id':'CF'},{'label':'Chad','id':'TD'},{'label':'Chile','id':'CL'},{'label':'China','id':'CN'},{'label':'Christmas Island','id':'CX'},{'label':'Cocos (Keeling) Islands','id':'CC'},{'label':'Colombia','id':'CO'},{'label':'Comoros','id':'KM'},{'label':'Congo','id':'CG'},{'label':'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the','id':'CD'},{'label':'Cook Islands','id':'CK'},{'label':'Costa Rica','id':'CR'},{'label':'Côte d\'Ivoire','id':'CI'},{'label':'Croatia','id':'HR'},{'label':'Cuba','id':'CU'},{'label':'Curaçao','id':'CW'},{'label':'Cyprus','id':'CY'},{'label':'Czech Republic','id':'CZ'},{'label':'Denmark','id':'DK'},{'label':'Djibouti','id':'DJ'},{'label':'Dominica','id':'DM'},{'label':'Dominican Republic','id':'DO'},{'label':'Ecuador','id':'EC'},{'label':'Egypt','id':'EG'},{'label':'El Salvador','id':'SV'},{'label':'Equatorial Guinea','id':'GQ'},{'label':'Eritrea','id':'ER'},{'label':'Estonia','id':'EE'},{'label':'Ethiopia','id':'ET'},{'label':'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)','id':'FK'},{'label':'Faroe Islands','id':'FO'},{'label':'Fiji','id':'FJ'},{'label':'Finland','id':'FI'},{'label':'France','id':'FR'},{'label':'French Guiana','id':'GF'},{'label':'French Polynesia','id':'PF'},{'label':'French Southern Territories','id':'TF'},{'label':'Gabon','id':'GA'},{'label':'Gambia','id':'GM'},{'label':'Georgia','id':'GE'},{'label':'Germany','id':'DE'},{'label':'Ghana','id':'GH'},{'label':'Gibraltar','id':'GI'},{'label':'Greece','id':'GR'},{'label':'Greenland','id':'GL'},{'label':'Grenada','id':'GD'},{'label':'Guadeloupe','id':'GP'},{'label':'Guam','id':'GU'},{'label':'Guatemala','id':'GT'},{'label':'Guernsey','id':'GG'},{'label':'Guinea','id':'GN'},{'label':'Guinea-Bissau','id':'GW'},{'label':'Guyana','id':'GY'},{'label':'Haiti','id':'HT'},{'label':'Heard Island and McDonald Islands','id':'HM'},{'label':'Holy See (Vatican City State)','id':'VA'},{'label':'Honduras','id':'HN'},{'label':'Hong Kong','id':'HK'},{'label':'Hungary','id':'HU'},{'label':'Iceland','id':'IS'},{'label':'India','id':'IN'},{'label':'Indonesia','id':'ID'},{'label':'Iran, Islamic Republic of','id':'IR'},{'label':'Iraq','id':'IQ'},{'label':'Ireland','id':'IE'},{'label':'Isle of Man','id':'IM'},{'label':'Israel','id':'IL'},{'label':'Italy','id':'IT'},{'label':'Jamaica','id':'JM'},{'label':'Japan','id':'JP'},{'label':'Jersey','id':'JE'},{'label':'Jordan','id':'JO'},{'label':'Kazakhstan','id':'KZ'},{'label':'Kenya','id':'KE'},{'label':'Kiribati','id':'KI'},{'label':'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of','id':'KP'},{'label':'Korea, Republic of','id':'KR'},{'label':'Kuwait','id':'KW'},{'label':'Kyrgyzstan','id':'KG'},{'label':'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic','id':'LA'},{'label':'Latvia','id':'LV'},{'label':'Lebanon','id':'LB'},{'label':'Lesotho','id':'LS'},{'label':'Liberia','id':'LR'},{'label':'Libya','id':'LY'},{'label':'Liechtenstein','id':'LI'},{'label':'Lithuania','id':'LT'},{'label':'Luxembourg','id':'LU'},{'label':'Macao','id':'MO'},{'label':'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of','id':'MK'},{'label':'Madagascar','id':'MG'},{'label':'Malawi','id':'MW'},{'label':'Malaysia','id':'MY'},{'label':'Maldives','id':'MV'},{'label':'Mali','id':'ML'},{'label':'Malta','id':'MT'},{'label':'Marshall Islands','id':'MH'},{'label':'Martinique','id':'MQ'},{'label':'Mauritania','id':'MR'},{'label':'Mauritius','id':'MU'},{'label':'Mayotte','id':'YT'},{'label':'Mexico','id':'MX'},{'label':'Micronesia, Federated States of','id':'FM'},{'label':'Moldova, Republic of','id':'MD'},{'label':'Monaco','id':'MC'},{'label':'Mongolia','id':'MN'},{'label':'Montenegro','id':'ME'},{'label':'Montserrat','id':'MS'},{'label':'Morocco','id':'MA'},{'label':'Mozambique','id':'MZ'},{'label':'Myanmar','id':'MM'},{'label':'Namibia','id':'NA'},{'label':'Nauru','id':'NR'},{'label':'Nepal','id':'NP'},{'label':'Netherlands','id':'NL'},{'label':'New Caledonia','id':'NC'},{'label':'New Zealand','id':'NZ'},{'label':'Nicaragua','id':'NI'},{'label':'Niger','id':'NE'},{'label':'Nigeria','id':'NG'},{'label':'Niue','id':'NU'},{'label':'Norfolk Island','id':'NF'},{'label':'Northern Mariana Islands','id':'MP'},{'label':'Norway','id':'NO'},{'label':'Oman','id':'OM'},{'label':'Pakistan','id':'PK'},{'label':'Palau','id':'PW'},{'label':'Palestine, State of','id':'PS'},{'label':'Panama','id':'PA'},{'label':'Papua New Guinea','id':'PG'},{'label':'Paraguay','id':'PY'},{'label':'Peru','id':'PE'},{'label':'Philippines','id':'PH'},{'label':'Pitcairn','id':'PN'},{'label':'Poland','id':'PL'},{'label':'Portugal','id':'PT'},{'label':'Puerto Rico','id':'PR'},{'label':'Qatar','id':'QA'},{'label':'Réunion','id':'RE'},{'label':'Romania','id':'RO'},{'label':'Russian Federation','id':'RU'},{'label':'Rwanda','id':'RW'},{'label':'Saint Barthélemy','id':'BL'},{'label':'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha','id':'SH'},{'label':'Saint Kitts and Nevis','id':'KN'},{'label':'Saint Lucia','id':'LC'},{'label':'Saint Martin (French part)','id':'MF'},{'label':'Saint Pierre and Miquelon','id':'PM'},{'label':'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines','id':'VC'},{'label':'Samoa','id':'WS'},{'label':'San Marino','id':'SM'},{'label':'Sao Tome and Principe','id':'ST'},{'label':'Saudi Arabia','id':'SA'},{'label':'Senegal','id':'SN'},{'label':'Serbia','id':'RS'},{'label':'Seychelles','id':'SC'},{'label':'Sierra Leone','id':'SL'},{'label':'Singapore','id':'SG'},{'label':'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)','id':'SX'},{'label':'Slovakia','id':'SK'},{'label':'Slovenia','id':'SI'},{'label':'Solomon Islands','id':'SB'},{'label':'Somalia','id':'SO'},{'label':'South Africa','id':'ZA'},{'label':'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands','id':'GS'},{'label':'South Sudan','id':'SS'},{'label':'Spain','id':'ES'},{'label':'Sri Lanka','id':'LK'},{'label':'Sudan','id':'SD'},{'label':'Suriname','id':'SR'},{'label':'Svalbard and Jan Mayen','id':'SJ'},{'label':'Swaziland','id':'SZ'},{'label':'Sweden','id':'SE'},{'label':'Switzerland','id':'CH'},{'label':'Syrian Arab Republic','id':'SY'},{'label':'Taiwan, Province of China','id':'TW'},{'label':'Tajikistan','id':'TJ'},{'label':'Tanzania, United Republic of','id':'TZ'},{'label':'Thailand','id':'TH'},{'label':'Timor-Leste','id':'TL'},{'label':'Togo','id':'TG'},{'label':'Tokelau','id':'TK'},{'label':'Tonga','id':'TO'},{'label':'Trinidad and Tobago','id':'TT'},{'label':'Tunisia','id':'TN'},{'label':'Turkey','id':'TR'},{'label':'Turkmenistan','id':'TM'},{'label':'Turks and Caicos Islands','id':'TC'},{'label':'Tuvalu','id':'TV'},{'label':'Uganda','id':'UG'},{'label':'Ukraine','id':'UA'},{'label':'United Arab Emirates','id':'AE'},{'label':'United Kingdom','id':'GB'},{'label':'United States','id':'US'},{'label':'United States Minor Outlying Islands','id':'UM'},{'label':'Uruguay','id':'UY'},{'label':'Uzbekistan','id':'UZ'},{'label':'Vanuatu','id':'VU'},{'label':'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of','id':'VE'},{'label':'Viet Nam','id':'VN'},{'label':'Virgin Islands, British','id':'VG'},{'label':'Virgin Islands, U.S.','id':'VI'},{'label':'Wallis and Futuna','id':'WF'},{'label':'Western Sahara','id':'EH'},{'label':'Yemen','id':'YE'},{'label':'Zambia','id':'ZM'},{'label':'Zimbabwe','id':'ZW'}]

Is a country list I use - Use JSON and your files could (stress could) become more useable as they then don’t just apply to PHP/dababase driven sites.

Having said that - lists of countries etc - inc. country flags etc are will ‘populated’ already over the web and most are free …

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Now i got this reply…
we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

what to do …
even the data of cities are more then 4 lakh rows with 6 columns each and 10 columns under countries database …

It will be a very huge for buyers to manage in an of its application…

first i got rejected because of this link


where i was fetching data via ajax call…

the new code when i sent next time is not having any JS code…
but still got rejected…

here is the another link without JS
infotonicsmedia.com/cdb2/ (but there was no any option to change the demo link) …

Thanks your last line is the best way to be used.

Will do it like that … :slight_smile:

From the script you’ve provide above, where you using database?
I found that a pretty usefull script. And if you are requesting it through database, it was a nice feature to add.
I don’t know why some codes and scripts are being rejected… :\

may be i have updated the code but didn’t updated the - demo link… don’t know what happen. Is there any other way to contact them…

I think from the reviewer’s perspective, your script is basically freely on the internet. Not because you copied the code, but because databases of countries, cities, and states are all over the net for free. And also, your database is outdated/lacks many cities, but this does not have anything to do with the rejection.

For example, Google has a free database of cities, postal codes, states, countries, districts, even landmarks that you can download for free in (CSV?) format, then easily import into a MySQL database or whatever. And it’s completely up to date.

But anyway, your script does not add enough value to this database that anyone can obtain for free. That’s likely the real problem.

If you get rejected for lack of framework, you can simply resubmit and say you won’t add a framework. But if your rejection says “we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.” then that means you weren’t rejected just because of a lack of framework.

It is possible though that by adding a framework to your script, it will gain enough value to be approved, which could be what the reviewer is saying in this case.

This was their reply …

Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:

Consider using at least a minimal framework to structure the application better. Right now, it’s a mix of HTML, PHP and SQL.

=== as per reply regarding google-- they do not provide such database…
check this

And all the database will be updated time to time…

They do indeed, you can download it here: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/geotargeting

my DB is having only those data that is required by any app developer and this GOOGLE db is not having such details… these data are only generated on the basis of – its own GOOGLE MAP… which is not of any use… accept countries,region city lat long name – please check my details …

And these are only “AdWords API Locations”

Right but Google clearly labels each record by its type (“city”, “state”, “country”) so it’s extremely easy to filter out the data that isn’t needed. It would take 5 minutes in Excel to do.

Regardless, this is not the only free database available. I’ve had to implement a commerce system before and found a free accurate database in less than 10 minutes on the net. You need to improve your script and make it worth something rather than fighting and arguing that your data is “premium”.

You are not getting my script is not having only countries,region and cities name its having …

all the records any web application solution needs like currency name and currency code and many other such staff ISO codes of areas… and many more

Yes, @shivneetns, but you and I both know that all of that data is also for free on the net.

If you want to try submitting something so simple, then don’t make it an application, make it a PHP class instead. You may find more success this way. Make sure it’s PSR compliant. (And yes, you can sell PHP classes on CodeCanyon).

there are lots of open source codes and scripts and themes out there at free – then why on these sites which are even derived from such free sources :slight_smile: …i am not fighting on this – its just simple…

query my code got rejected with review
not using any framework – not because of its easily availability on the net

I have created it by using PHP classes …not a simple date fetch …

i am just trying to know – why it was rejected not – because of that i want to make it on sale now …

A framework is not required. It is recommended. You can choose to not use it.

But your script was hard rejected which means “this is not currently acceptable for CodeCanyon”. If the framework was the only issue, it would be soft rejected.

I would suggest selling it as a PHP class alone, with no interface, no css, no html, no javascript, just a php class. You’re trying to make it into an application which is clearly causing problems (otherwise you’d never hear about a framework to begin with) and does not add any benefit to it.

Also - if you want, you can include some “example usage” files with this PHP class, such as the app you have right now so the users can understand you can use it to make a web form.

It was first soft rejected with this review
Consider using at least a minimal framework to structure the application better. Right now, it’s a mix of HTML, PHP and SQL.

then i used PHP CLASSES then they hard rejected it with the same review…

this is the Question why they did so…

just i was not able to change the demo link with new code
both time the demo link was

the new code link is
that was not sent on second time…
can you guide me whats wrong in this…
so that ill not repeat the same error on the second run …

Can I see your documentation?