i need help

hello , Reviewer give comment:

at Theme Forest we’re looking for unique designs, sorry to say this is
not one of them because it looks too similar to what we already have on

Without seeing a demo link it is very hard to advise but obviously they think your design is too similar to another already for sale here so you need to modify it to stand out and appear more unique

thank you for reply - see demo now

I don’t know about similarities but definitely to answer the reviewers comments you need to add some features etc that make it stand out.

Plus there are a lot of inconsistencies which make little sense and normally come from people modifying an existing theme.

Beyond that:

The logo could be better - that font is a bit lost in comparison to the rest of the page

  • The yellow category boxes should touch the edges of the image - I get that you wanted to make it slightly different but that little gap below them just feels wrong

  • Nav typography again does not feel right compared to the rest of the page

  • Footer is not great ESPECIALLY the rose logo and alignment is way off (look how far left it is compared to main nav or posts). Space the widgets more so they look less cramped

  • recent comments widget needs a lot of work on typography and spacing

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