I cannot seem to change one little stubborn $-sign into €

Ok, so I am quite sure I will have an ‘aha’ moment when I find it. But I’ve spent enough time trying to find this on my own.

I’m almost finished with my website using this great Invisio cakes theme, but cannot seem to change one little stubborn $-sign. I’ve searched through the whole code by now, but I cannot change it. The style sheet is not the place to look. I thought I found it here in here (single-invisio_cakes_type.php);

<?php esc_html_e('$', 'invisiocakes');?><?php echo esc_html($price_product); ?> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php endif; ?>

But changing this into € doesn’t do the trick.

Please can anybody help? I am seriously done and finished after this change.

seem that you miss a echo before esc_html_e(’$’,‘invisiocakes’)

also i notice that you are using 2 time opening and closing php braket on same line you should use concatenation for that


<?php echo esc_html_e('$', 'invisiocakes') . esc_html($price_product); ?>

You should try php iconv function.