I am new to envato, why they reject my brochure design bundle and wanted me not to upload again?

I am new to envato, why they reject my brochure design bundle and wanted me not to upload again?


Because there are hundreds of free business flyers / brochures over the internet much more creative then yours.

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OK, Thanks

hi indeed, even if @DesignSomething has told u one of the main reasons for the rejection, i will personally get into a deeper review into order to try to help u
here is what i have to say:

1- global style
as mentioned the global style is sort of a bit flat and definitely would require to bring some originalities in and that u sort of “push the envelope” graphic design wise. At this stage , sorry to say just , as no doubt that u did your best and to be honest the thing u’ve done is harmonious all the same, but the whole graphic design part resides in a photo , some shapes in the back and globally tasteful disposition of text and color. It will take more effort in most cases for u to have an item accepted here in such a context where markets are saturated, there are many guys in town, a lot of already created styles and items. In shirt , u need to bring something new if u want to have a chance to have your item naming it for sale …

2- typo
do not get me wrong this is globally clean, but , as regard to high expectations in terms of typo in GR, this is clearly not enough … it will take u to bring more variations, more font combinations and also to bring some originality touches as much as possible

3- contrast
this is a lethal mistake … as contrast is one of the basic design principles and violating it can alone get u into trouble … especially as this is the principle that can get u into other trouble in sort of snowball effect … . If u do not identify why this is so much of a big deal, here we go … the text is hardly readable in some color version, so what is the point to show the concerned previews and in another extent , what is the purpose of a flyer if texts contained in it are close to unreadable and also failing to pop out enough?

4- hierarchy
this is also being related to contrast , but not only … as if u get into trouble about it , this is either because of the text are not being having the impact that this is supposed to have …

5- logo
sorry to say just this , but what u have done , people “can’t buy it” indeed … i suggest that u spend some time and make a bit effort so that u come up with a professional fake logo that will take your preview to the next level rather than contributing to make it look a bit flatter again , pls do not forget that all details matter when it comes to global harmony and quality of an item
still about the logo, colors look a bit disconnected and this make your logo not look homogenous

6- logo disposition
i am not sure that u have ever heard of it indeed , but the logo is misplaced according to to the z-shape reading process … this implies that your eye will start getting inside the document from the top left, sweep to top right, go slanted way down the bottom left (with a focus point in the center of the page) and ultimately go from bottom left to bottom right … this basically means that impact zone for the logo to get noticed in a branding perspective is either top left or bottom right …

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Thank you very much n2n44 for your inspiring comments, detailed and valuable points.
I really appreciate your dedication to this and definitely helpful to improve my designs.
Thanks again and again :black_heart:

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u are welcome buddy, if u have enough clues for u to take your game to the next level , pls check the “solution” box and i wish u good work and good luck :slight_smile:

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Thank you brother, yes definitely. :pray:

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:slight_smile: u are welcome :slight_smile: