Html Template keep being soft rejected on themeforest i need help

Rejection Details :

can anyone please tell me what to improve …
My Template :

  1. PROPER EVENT BINDING: Consider using the preferred .on() method rather than .click(), .bind(), .hover(), etc. For best performance and concise code use event delegation whenever possible

  2. STRICT MODE REQUIRED: All JavaScript should be written with “use strict” mode on. Please note that strict mode is scoped. For concise code it is recommened to placed

  3. JQUERY PERFORMANCE NEEDS IMPROVEMENT: Your jQuery code can benefit
    from some performance tweaks. Please make sure that your jQuery is
    properly formatted, commented and that you are caching and chaining
    whenever possible.

  4. TYPOGRAPHIC HIERARCHY: The typographic hierarchy of this item requires additional work.

  5. SPACING AND ALIGNMENT: There are spacing and alignment issues in this item. Please make sure that all elements are aligned properly and spacing is consistent from section to section. Here are some articles with more information regarding negative space and proper spacing:

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Good luck for soft rejected regards. :slight_smile:

Happy new year 2017.

Congratulations for approval of your item.

I am also getting same issues. Would you please explain how to solve these 2 issue

  1. STRICT MODE REQUIRED: All JavaScript should be written with “use strict” mode on. Please note that strict mode is scoped. For concise code it is recommened to placed

  2. SPACING AND ALIGNMENT: There are spacing and alignment issues in this item. Please make sure that all elements are aligned properly and spacing is consistent from section to section. Here are some articles with more information regarding negative space and proper spacing: