Hiring ! Developers Required


We are looking for Talented WordPress / HTML Developer to collaborate with us for Theme Development.

Contact us If you have skills on PSD, HTML & WordPress you wish to collaborate with us as a Part / Full Time Stack Developer.

Contact me here with your portfolio / Envato Author URL.
You can Skype: xtrailhosting

Note: Eligibility you must have at least two items approved by ThemeForest Portfolio.


Finding and hiring talent requires time, money as well and other resources. And what happens when you end up hiring the wrong candidate? You start all over again! Hence, to ensure our customers can hire iGaming platform developers with ease, we offer highly skilled iGaming software engineers for hire. We offer you seamless access to a vast talent pool of iGaming software developers, that too within your budget. The iGaming platform development staff we offer specializes in the latest tech stack to ensure you get high-end software solutions by the end of the development process. Have questions about how you can leverage our iGaming staffing services? Let’’s talk!