Hard Reject - Why could my first project get hard rejection?

Hey authors. I have submitted my first project, but it got ‘hard rejection’. Can you help me to understand what is bad in my project?

I will share link and code with you. I will appreaciate your help.

Demo link:

Thank you!

Don’t share source code to projects

The concept has been done a million times before and it’s super easy to find something very similar for free online

This category really is becoming impossible to get approval let alone sales

Now I understand, thank you for your feedback :pray:

Apart from @charlie4282 comments, it’s not minimalist design, it looks empty and unfinished

thanks a lot for your feedback

A “Hard Reject” typically means that your first project was rejected outright without the possibility of resubmission. There are various reasons why this might happen, such as:

  1. Violation of guidelines: Your project may have violated the platform’s guidelines, terms of service, or content policy.
  2. Poor quality: The project might not meet the platform’s standards in terms of design, functionality, or overall quality.

Not specifically. In case, it’s soft and it’s requested to fix the problems.

  1. Violation of Guidelines: If your project fails to meet the platform’s guidelines or policies, it may receive a hard rejection.
  2. Poor Quality: Insufficient quality, such as low-resolution graphics, unclear audio, or lack of attention to detail, could lead to a hard rejection.
  3. Plagiarism: If your project contains content that is copied or plagiarized from others, it will likely be rejected.

In this instance it simply was not up to the standards in design or delivery and regardless has not been removed.