Going Crazy - TERRIBLY POOR Support on Purchased Theme. Can ANYONE help? Support Won't.

I have bought themes here before and been very satisfied with support. But the support, or lack thereof, with this theme is incredible! I am using the Mellifera Beekeeping Theme. LOVE IT. But I have a menu that pops up on my computer as I scroll down a page. Everything is right on the menu EXCEPT the logo. It is using the theme logo and name. All other menus are fine.

Under the theme builder’s dashboard for customization, there is a MOBILE LOGO - MAIN. I change that to the proper logo and then go check and there is no difference. I go back and it has reverted back to the Theme logo. There isn’t a “save” button anywhere. Same thing for the Sticky Menu. I’ll put in the correct logo and go check and it doesn’t change. When I go back to the dashboard, it’s reverted back to the theme logo. There is no UPDATE or SAVE buttons for the change. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The “Qode Help Center” just tell me to read the manual when they reply!


I guess if you are viewing this website on a desktop browser, then it could be one of two things. Okay so assuming you changed the logo on the wordpress admin area, and then you view the site and do not see any changes, it could be because your server is caching the website (loading the cached pages) so you think nothing has changed.

The easiest way of testing this is to open your website in a new tab, and then hold down Ctrl key, and then whilst holding that key down, press F5.

This will force a refresh on what you see on your computer.
Or try opening the site in a different browser.

Example I prefer and use Firefox. However, I have edge, chrome and IE installed, so if I think something is messed up, I check the URL on them.