Gallery loading error - me or Envato?

The first page of photo galleries look like this for me. It’s the same on my phone and computer. But the 2nd page loads fine. I’ve checked several galleries and they all are doing this for me. Trying to figure out if it is something on my end or if it is Envato and I need to report it.

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Hey, I have another problem. It seems I cannot upload photos on Elements, it says “Failed to upload” (my photos meet the requirements, so it’s not this)…Are you also having this problem? Or is anyone else experiencing the same error? @MargJohnsonVA

My gallery works just fine, I can see all my uploaded photos. @MargJohnsonVA

I uploaded yesterday with no problem. :woman_shrugging:t2:

A friend who lives in the middle east is having the same problem viewing galleries, so must not be my connection. :rofl:

This is what I see on my desktop…

cant upload photos. same issue

Im having the same issue can’t upload video or photos.

Hi all. There appear to be two separate issues here: one concerning the visibility of items on Elements portfolio pages (specifically page 1), and another around item uploads.

I’ve escalated these to our developers, and will let you know what I can find out for both issues.

For the first one, I’m also seeing some strange results on portfolio pages: all content initially loads, but then disappears when the page finishes loading. P2 onwards are working fine.

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uploading photos though website not working at photo dune

Hello, I have the same problem here. I have contacted the support team but still waiting for their reply.

Which problem? Trouble viewing first page of portfolio or uploading?