Hi friends! Just wanted to share my joy. After 3 months of hard work and many many hard rejects, finally my track was accepted! Now would be even nicer to see my first sale :))
Here is the track: https://audiojungle.net/item/uplifting-indie-rock/19191516
And to all those guys, who struggle to get track approved: don’t give up! Keep up good work, keep learning and improve your mixing and mastering skills.
Congrats! Successful sales!
Right on @River_Of_Sound , GLWS!
Congratulation @River_Of_Sound Good luck for sales
Nice work @River_Of_Sound ! Success to you going forward
I know the feeling, its great. I’ve only just started recently too and was so happy to have my first track accepted.
Congratulations and good luck.
Congrats @River_Of_Sound ! Big Journey Begins!
Yes, keep it up man. Rejection is just a small lesson for bigger success.
December 21, 2016, 6:17am
Congratulations! Good luck with sales
Congrats!!! Sounds great!!!
December 21, 2016, 8:34pm
Congratulations! Nice one!!!
December 21, 2016, 8:54pm
Congratulations! Good luck with sales
Congrats with first approve! Good luck for sales!
WoW that’s a heck of a dignity! Newcomers should be encouraged by your experience and really try to get better as you do. Kudos!
Congratulations!!! GLWS!!!
This seems most appropriate for more reasons than one…
Very well done, @River_Of_Sound , keep going!