Finally...100 Sales

I finally hit the 100 Sales! took me two whole years for it, but still I’m very happy right now. Thanks to all the buyers. To my fellow authors, I wish you success and joy for the upcoming year. Let’s have a good time here, cheers!


Congrats, Padoga! Nice milestone! Be proud :smile:

Congratulations Padoga :+1: Enjoy the accomplishment and have a great 2016!

Congratulations! :smile:

Congrate, mate!

Congratulations! :smiley:

cool happy for u, congrats :wink: GL

that’s great, means you work hard!! best!

Go ahead man for more, Viva musica.

Congrats! Good luck! :slight_smile:

Congrats :star: :clap:Good luck :+1:

good stuff keep it up