Featured project on Behance rejected by Envato!

Many thanks for your reply, i totally agree with you, you mentioned facts, and I’m OK with those facts too! profit is every thing for a private company, but i want to add one super important point:-
if the profit is all Envato cares about they unfortunately failed in that too! Celebrating 1 billion dollars sales while they can double or triple that with no efforts by changing the reviewing process.
please check my portfolio for example, only 5 projects with no single zero sales one.
so, I’m making profit, and Envato is making profit with me.
Now pick any random Elite author and check his/her portfolio, you’ll see about 1000 items, 900 of them has ZERO sales for YEARS !
Comparing myself with an Elite author i win, if the reviewer allows me to upload this number of projects i won’t have ANY project with zero sales, simply because i know exactly what I’m doing, but the reviewer don’t, because he/she already allowed 900 ZERO sales items for an Elite author and rejected my new ones which i pretty sure that they’ll make good sales (as ALL of my previous items).
so i suggest this: no reviews, let anyone upload anything + automated frequently removal of ZERO sales items.
OR: let me pay 10 to 20 dollars for each item i upload! no one will upload low quality projects anymore to be reviewed, this ensures that every author will do his/her best to make good sales to Compensate publishing fees at least.
Anyway, The market should care more about us, we are making the content of this market and i think we deserve more care (for more profit for us ALL).
Thank you.

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