Extension Manager Error - Warning JInstaller: :Install: Can't find Joomla XML setup file.

I purchased the sandal theme (one of the arrow themes). I have installed the latest version of Joomla (3.8.6) with the default sample content. I get this error whenever I try to install the Quickstart version of the Sandal template (sandal_quickstart.zip): Warning: JInstaller: :Install: Can’t find Joomla XML setup file.
The Joomla package cannot be installed through the Extension Manager.

It will allow me to install the plain version of Sandal, but that does me no good as the whole purpose of me purchasing the template was to have it set up like the demo to be able to just update content while keeping the template layout. I’m a newb, so anyone with troubleshooting ideas is welcome to chime in.

I have already tried reinstalling joomla on the site and have checked to make sure updates have been run.


You should have instructions on how to use the quickinstall from the author. You can contact him for support.

The quickinstall is a copy of the demo site so in order to install it, you must do exactly the same as you would with a fresh joomla installation. Installing the quickstart thourgh the joomla extension manager, as I see you are trying to do, will not work, of course.

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I can confirm the issue was resolved. :slight_smile: