Extended license not work

I’ve purchased woodmart theme with extended license but after using it with some websites the license stopped.

Check the image and please tell me what can I do because it’s urgent for me.

Please note that both regular and extended license will be valid for a single end product. So, if you already use the license code for another website then you will get your mentioned warning message (purchase code is already activated …)

Weird, please correct my words if I’m wrong, extended license means unlimited websites but regular is for a single website, Am I right ?

No! sorry to say each license (Regular, Extended) will be valid for a single end product (Website/domain).

So I can use the same extended license with multiple domains, right ?


Note: each license will be valid for a single end product meaning single Website.

What license do you need?

If your customer will need to pay to access your website content then you will need to purchase extended license.
Where Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you’ve licensed) is distributed (access) for free.

Is there a life time license with unlimited domains for woodmart theme?

No. Purchase a single copy for “regular” license and request a refund for the “extended” license. Each website you need to use the theme, you’d need another license.

Is this a new update ? because I thought that extended version is the unlimited version of usage on multiple websites (domains).

It has never been as the way you were expecting.

I’ve bought the unlimited sites for lifetime of woodmart for 3399$ and it’s not working now. And if it’s not work so for what I did pay 3399$ ?!! may be you now not selling using this option but when I bought woodmart it was included.

Hi @wisamsaif,

Please note that both regular and extended license will be valid for a single end product.
If you don’t need extended license and need regular license then you can open an Envato Customer support Help ticket and let them know. Envato Customer support team will be happy to assist you.


There’s no such thing as a multiple site use license

It will only ever be for one project/website - the “extended” element is not about volume - it’s about how the single site is used.

@charlie4282 Explain more, please. what do you mean of “how about the single site is used” ?

So regular or extended will only be usable once on one website.

The difference with extended is if you were monetising the one site somehow and as such earning multiple times from the same build.

@charlie4282 So if I need to use theme on multiple domains I have to buy regular license for every domain right?

It’s correct. I was going to offer you to get the refund but it seems it’s too late ( been 3 years already )

@charlie4282 @ki-themes Can you explain this sentence " if you were monetising the one site somehow and as such earning multiple times from the same build " do you mean woocommerce as an example or what are the methods of monetizing which you mentioned earlier ?

Like ongoing subscriptions or pay for exclusive content

Ecommerce is different but you’d still need a new purchase for every website that you want to use it on

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@charlie4282 So, I guess I can do the same such as subscriptions or pay for exclusive content even Ecommerce while I’m using regular license what prevents me you don’t monitor my code or website, I don’t get the benefit from using extended license.