Envato ThemeForest - A blind Well

Not sure what they want in terms of design quality. They simply hard reject the template, no guidelines, no hints, no suggestions, nothing …

Looks like themeforest is not looking for more new authors/templates/themes. Can anyone here please help me to understand what is wrong with my template?


Thank you

Decent effort but simply not good enough. Focus on typography and test it on some bigger screens (especially the “Want to share our client feedback” section - background is broken).

It is easy to blame the system or reviewers or whatever, but there are new items being approved every day, so empirically your logic has flaws.

Thank you very much… for your comments. It is a great help. Let me rework on typography and that section.


Getting a theme or template on TF is no joke! You will have to put a lot of effort to get it done, I know this on my own skin :slight_smile:

Can you give some more suggestions on improving the design or typography ?

I am a developer, I had on my first theme a hard reject, then I found a designer and I worked with him and had 16 soft rejects until it was approved, I almost give up… he knew about this stuff, tipography and more, I suggest you search for a very UX and general designer to help you.

So, I fixed the typography and issue you suggested. And they rejected again. :frowning:

What you suggest now. Please guide me.


Typography is still very mediocre. If you were hard rejected then you will have to do much more significant changes. Right now your design simply doesn’t look premium. There is no attention to details. For example why your news articles on front page have no links whatsoever? Using Lorem ipsum almost everywhere is very lazy. There are typos in your copy: “PURCHAGE”, “Newyork”.

This is not the final list of issues, just some small most obvious examples. You need to improve it as a whole.

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Thank you very much… I will work on these points. Your feedback is really helpful.

Thank you very much :pray:t2: