Envato Studio 2.0?

I have been part of Envato family for 12 years now, and I understand that Envato studio will be shut down, I have a an idea and would like to know if the freelancers community would be interested in having a new platform where they can import all their reviews and have it showcased on their account for new potential clients instead of starting from zero all over again. The platform will only be open to freelancers that were employed at Envato Studio and will not compete with Envato’s other services. Let me know if you would be interested in such idea.

Would you be able to download/export/transfer reviews made on studio to another platform?

Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. If it is truly impossible, at least we would have tried and lost nothing except the knowledge that we could not. But there is always a way if you put your mind to it. Let us try, what can we lose?

I need to see how it can be downloaded and what format and then see how we can upload it again. Will you be interested in testing?