Hi all,
The site where you could previously find and use the embeddable AudioJungle player has disappeared: https://audiojungle.net/player.
Is there another version of it knocking around somewhere- or does someone have the code for it?
I did consider using the AudioJungle radio: https://www.audiojungleradio.com/, but (although I genuinely really love the song that is included in the template) the player looks a little bit clunky to use.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
Hi, can anyone help with this? Cheers in advance.
I just noticed this on my website today (which has hundreds of post which rely on the player), and they are all gone. I will be contacting support ASAP.
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It seems to have been defunct for a while- I looked a couple of months ago and assumed it was just down for maintenance or something… good luck getting it resolved!
Sooo… it was quietly decommissioned: Audio Jungle player - decommission
I have no idea why this was done in a forum post (with very little traffic). This at minimum should have been an e-mail to authors.
I have learned my lesson once again, which is not to rely on Envato’s tech.
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