Elite Author - 75k sales WoW

Delighted while waking up this morning with the message we reached elite status due to 75k in sales and nearly 1700 items sold. This is a great motivator for new themes and most probably plugins as well.

A big thank you to all the clients and we hope to serve you for a much longer period.


COOL!!! This so exciting!!! My CONGRATS to you!!!:slight_smile:

That’s awesome, @MeetMighty! Congratulations! :tada:

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations :slightly_smiling:

Awesome job… Congrats :tada: Best Luck in the future!!! :wink:

Congrats and keep it up.


It’s a big echievement, my congratulations, @MeetMighty! Keep moving!

Nice Job !! Congratulations and good luck for others

Oops! this is really awesome :smiley: Congrats

man! u are coming from another planet, we may have to call ghostbusters lol happy for you anyway huge and i really mean HUUUUUUUUGGGGEEEE accomplishment indeed :slight_smile:

This is great! Congrats!

That is fantastic!

Hope someday I’ll post the same here, heh. Congratulations to you, it’s a serious achievement and I hope that you celebrated/will celebrate it properly.

Congrats,Huge achievement :smile: