Edge slider not showing up on website

My edge slider is no longer showing up on my website. It was initially and then has stopped working. Can you please help? Website is: www.maevejolene.com

Hi @Lawson2014,

Welcome to the forums! There are multiple code issues on your website. You need to revert any changes and remove new plugin that you suppose have something to do to with display problem.

If you feel like it takes too much time to figure out the cause of this issue, consider hiring a professional from Envato Studio.


Too many code issues?!?! This is a brand new site and all I have done is install your theme plugin and a couple of additional plugins. If there is a code problem, this is not because of coding I have done but with what you have installed. Envato is a scam luring customers onboard with a small fee and then trying to get as much money as possible on the backside by not providing ANY support and up-charging for every single plugin. I am so disappointed in my purchase and will be reviewing you all on every search engine I can. Horrible experience so far.

Thanks, Eric

Hi @Lawson2014

Envato does not sell any themes or plugins of their own, it is a marketplace where authors from around the world sell their own items. You’d be best contacting the author of the theme/plugins you purchased to help figure out what the issue is.

Here’s how to contact an author:


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