Do I can purchase License regular for upload themeforest sell email template?

Hi to all:

Do I can buy license regular a builder email preview “”? please help because I not have money for buy license extended :frowning: thanks

I think that not accepted theme forest for sell buy license regular :frowning:

It’s hard to tell exactly what it is you’re looking to do, but here’s a general overview which should help…

  1. You can buy the item, make one end product, and sell it to one client, with only a regular license.

  2. If you want to buy the item, make one end product and sell it to two or more clients, then you need an extended license.

  3. If you want to buy the item, make one end product and sell it to one client, and that client will then sell the end product to one or more people… then you need an extended license.

  4. If you want to buy the item, and make more than one end product, then you need a regular or extended license for each end product… depending on what you will do with the end product.

  5. If you want to buy the item, make one end product and sell it to two or more clients, and those clients will then sell the end product to one or more people… then you need one extended license for each client.

  6. If you want to include the item in one of your marketplace items, then you need permission from the author, and an extended license.

  7. If you want to buy the item and re-sell it as is, here or elsewhere, then that’s not allowed under any license.

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Many thanks, I already buy extended email builder is and I already comment contact with author from builder for permission for I upload themeforest email template regards.