Copyright claim on YouTube by Rafael Krux on music from Envato

I have had a false copyright ID claim on YouTube by using music downloaded from Envato Elements even when I have a paid account.

I used this license in other videos and it worked, but with this video I have a problem.

Can you please clear this claim and whitelist my channel @Orchestralis ?

YouTube channel - Minha Primeira Bíblia:

YouTube video in question:

License details:

Item Title: Comedy Orchestra
Item URL: Comedy Orchestra, Royalty Free Music Track - Envato Elements
Author Username: Orchestralis
Licensee: Jairo Cuesta
Registered Project Name: 7am Agencia multimedia
License Date: May 30th, 2021
Item License Code: XLSG3DY4PR


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Thank you for your message, I just replied to your email.

Thank you again for your patience!

All the best,
Rafael Krux

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