Classipress Plugins...

I think it would be fantastic if the code canyon community would consider developing plugins for the classipress wordpress theme.

The reason I am asking is that there are many users who purchased the classipress theme that have submitted ideas for different plugins on the appthemes ideas exchange for the classipress theme over the past few years that still have not been answered to.

If codecanyon started to develop plugins for this theme, there would be huge amounts of sales coming into the codecanyon community. (As long as the pricing on code canyon stays within the range of the appthemes marketplace (classipress theme) pricing).

I can post the requests from the appthemes ideas exchange that have lots of votes that have not been yet answered. although the ideas go through different stages, there are ideas that have had many votes and have been in the ‘planned’ stage for years and haven’t been catered to.

Please let me know if there is an interest in developing plugins for the classipress theme. I will submit requested plugins (ideas) from the appthemes websites as it requires a registered username / password to view these ideas.

There will be alot of happy people if their plugins can get developed, especially since we are almost into the new year, this would be awesome!


Hi Brian,

I’ve created a plugin for classipress and am currently selling it on their marketplace, as I figured it would have the best targeted audience. I have my development site ready to go to

I haven’t thought about putting them on CodeCanyon. I think it would be a good idea as it would probably get more exposure as CodeCanyon has way more affiliates. Send me some of the ideas you were thinking and we can chat.


WebSmacker said

Hi Brian,

I’ve created a plugin for classipress and am currently selling it on their marketplace, as I figured it would have the best targeted audience. I have my development site ready to go to

I haven’t thought about putting them on CodeCanyon. I think it would be a good idea as it would probably get more exposure as CodeCanyon has way more affiliates. Send me some of the ideas you were thinking and we can chat.


Hey Dan,

Glad to hear something from codecanyon regarding this! Anyway…I have suggested a few ideas on codecanyon that I will outline here, and post a link directly to my ideas on the classipress site.

  1. A Login / Register Panel for classipress. The reason for this is to gain more ad space to the theme. Another reason, is I am not a fan of the navbar they use in their themes, I think if there is a slide panel that comes down from the top, similar to: and click the top panel, you see how the panel comes down? I have another example with a clearer idea, but I will post a link to it, as well as a follow up post on the login panel that I have also posted.

Note: Those two links I posted explain with some more details on my idea for the login / register panel.

Here’s a list of plugins I have requested as of late on appthemes:

Hope to hear from you soon!

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays / Happy New Year!

Hi Dan,

Have you had sometime to look at those links I sent you?


Brian07002 said

Hi Dan,

Have you had sometime to look at those links I sent you?


Hi Brian - sorry, been tied up with my barcode plugin I just released. I’ll take a look now and let you know if I can take on any of them…