Category Page Update

So, when I tried to google “envato deception”, first 4 links goes to elements :sweat_smile:

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Hi all, authors, mods and staff.
I read 95% of all comments. its clearly one direction suggestions,
“New Items” & dump the “Elements” banner. cant argue with the mob.

I truly believe that the authors who made this website for what it is
understand it much better than anyone else. even if we are wrong,
we should have a say.

I think all of the categories should be implemented. together.
1/2 rows for each starting with New items and onwards.
with a simple arrow to slide more items.
I SAY TOGETHER. Just like the search on “Elements”.
Sorry for the quick mock design…

All the great minds of UI/UX, design and all of us here:
why don’t we have better solutions to this matter?
and if we had them, will anyone listen?

This situation is concerning very much. as a new/old author (almost 2 years)
i saw this market falling in traffic and sales.
I really thought I could leave my day job…
doesn’t seems real now…


I also hope any author here has a Facebook fanpage or Twitter with a large number of followers, please share this issue on social media about envato’s betrayal with the authors who have dedicated them, about Envato Element’s deception with customers.
This is something we do not want, but because of the dictatorship of envato, you force us to do this.


The thing I realized is: The popular items sales in weekly are not increased even they have this promotion. I think Envato should see this, but I don’t know why they still keep this sorting although it has no sense but it’s killling the new items and more than 90% authors here. The conversion was increased 5% in the Week that Avada sell more than 5k5 licenses, and now how is the conversion rate? Could anyone from Envato try to measure this again?



In what way did they force you?)

According to your words, you only want your item to get approved+ you have another market option been chosen, so why would you spent your time and spreading something like this? Betrayal and other stuff

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bestsellers with customer reviews :


Some people don’t do a hobby here. They work to live their families. Do not be mocked by their pain.
Don’t be so ironic.


I fully do living from Envato since 2015.

Don’t take my words outta specific context

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#Newest Items PLEASE


just give it few months until most of costumers realize that this market became outdated, seeing the same top selling items over and over, how do you expect them to find what they want?

They got what they want since at least 2013, and I’m afraid most of buyers (non developers) doesn’t have idea what makes a product outdated.

Do you think that there are authors that will keep making and submitting items even if they don’t get sales anymore?

PSD templates are rarely purchased but authors still releasing new ones. The same situation will be with wp or html templates.

There are big competitors to Envato(…)

No there are not, and you know that. If there was any comparable market most of you would already sell there.


Our recent approved WP theme.

500 Page views in 5 days / 0 Sales.


Last year on the same month. an approved theme from our portfolio got

In 5 days ~1900 page views / 10 sales

Thank you Envato for the current category changes!


The only logical reason for the action of envato is to “force” projects to be loaded onto elements.
1. We do it so that new projects are not sold.
2. We are waiting for some time and open access to the elements for all authors.
3. If the authors do not load projects anyway, we declare that projects with sales of 0-5 will be deleted (we say that they are clogging up the library) if they are not loaded onto the elements.
(google translate) :smiley:


If you check Joomla’s popular items, you will see an increased number of sales for the top items.
But it’s a stupid thing to make these changes after experimenting for only a couple of months.

That sale increase they were bragging about when they presented the results may have been because of the “seasonality and environmental realities”, right? Or these excuses work only to put authors to sleep?

So I guess they take market fluctuation into account to present us an excuse for low sales, but do not take it into account when it comes to their experiment.


A little offtopic, can I add this banner to my projects?

Although it may be more advertising than banner envato :sweat_smile:


I think we all must add this banner to our item pages until Envato doesn’t delete Elements banner upside each page!

Can anybody from moderators answer, if this is kind of messages allowed in item description ? This will be useful, because if item is not available on Envato Element, why not to tell about that to customer.

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The worst part about all of the changes Envato has made to anger authors over the years is that they are very likely in response to falling profits that are a direct result of previous changes Envato made that angered authors. In other words, if Envato didn’t anger authors by making drastic changes in the first place, they likely wouldn’t have to do things like display top items by default in order to recoup losses made from the previous change. It’s a vicious cycle of Envato making unwelcomed changes to try and jumpstart profits that are only quick fixes and then they end up having to make more unwelcomed changes to make up for their previous poor decisions. They broke what wasn’t broke, then continued to break it further as a result of the previous break.


If you are exclusive author and you sell only eg Themeforest I do not know why it would be not allowed this messages…write “this item is exclusive sales only on Themeforest and not available on Envato Elements” and so you helped the buyer…


Dear fellow authors, these tests and changes have a single effect that is less sales for all (only a few sell obsolete products). And this will have 2 outcomes:
1.- If Envato wants to improve: It will have to return to new products both in the category lists and in the searches.

2.- These changes are made to collapse markets and bring customers to Envato Elements. I honestly think that this is going to happen, that’s why they are asking us to bring more clients even paying advertising campaigns (With money that we do not earn here). If you have noticed the advertising of Elements is now more intrusive (before you could close and did not appear).

I hope that the authors and Envato take into account that without the authors these markets are nothing! because we bring clients from social networks, affiliates, even from their own websites direct customers here instead of selling on their websites.

Authors kill the milk cow and look for new options.