Can't Find Hidden Items

I received the following email after my first submission

  Hi cliveaw,
  Here is a sample of your items reviewed for the day.
  The reviewer has left you some notes about your soft-rejected items. Make sure you look into and       action them before resubmitting.
  You can find the full list of your soft-rejected items on the "Hidden items" section on

Approved (1) 	
A Painted Abstract Composition, Characters 0 to 9

I can see the single approved item in my PhotoDune Portfolio. I can see the Hidden Items Tab. But there is
nothing under the Hidden Items tab when I select it.

Any help/suggestions/etc would be welcome.

How many items did you submit?

10 items, all illustrations (photos of paintings)

And if you go to your dashboard, can you see submissions queued for review? If not, have you received any other emails from Envato about your submissions (check your spam folder as well)?

I’ve had a look :

Dashboard - Nothing queued for review.
Portfolio - No hidden items
No emails from Envato except the one I quoted.
Nothing from Envato in my mailer Junk folder
Nothing from Envato in my ISP webmail Junk folder

Where the 9 soft-rejected items have gone is a mystery. I could just resubmit, but doing that
without finding out why the items were rejected would be asking for trouble.

Well, I would open a ticket if I were you This is probably the best thing you could do.

I have done as you suggest; many thanks for the link and for your time. I hadn’t managed to find out how to to open a query before your help.

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