The ContentID image file is missing. The one that used to look like this:
Now it’s just showing a broken link question mark.
Also on every item page with the original ContentID image URL:
Is there a new URL for this image? Also, maybe time to update the help section with a working URL.
Hey AudioJungle Authors,
This is a very important announcement to let you know that there are changes for some of the links in your item descriptions.
If you have any links in your item descriptions for P.R.O. or if your items are registered with YouTube’s content ID, these will need to be updated to the following link:
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
Additionally, please n…
Luckily you only have about 550 items to update…
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Thanks! Yeah, what better way to spend a day
Luckily, there’s this great tool from Eric Schwartz:
September 26, 2017, 12:04pm
Hi @Stockwaves - I am really stupid in advance - cannot get the Envato API to replace old content ID html with new. Can you help?
The complete text in the “Attribute Values” field is:[REPLACEWITH]
Be sure to be LOGGED IN to your Envato Account on the same Chrome browser before you hit “Start Auto-Update”.
Good luck
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September 26, 2017, 1:05pm
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me but I am now officially and Technically Challenged and Stupid. Back to manually updating!
September 26, 2017, 3:54pm
@Stockwaves - I know it is a little early for Valentines Day and I was going to keep it until then but things change, circumstances change, people change but I think I love you. Thank you very much for your assistance in this…fixed.
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Glad to help
Don’t forget to buy Schwartz a beer too
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Thank you for sharing this!
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Wow, well, thanks to @Stockwaves and @SchwartzSound , I’ll be able to go to bed tonight!
Thank you so much for this!
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Thanks to @Hyperprod and @Stockwaves for sharing this info! I’m a little bit late on this, but “late” is better than “never”