Birthday Sale, Upto 40% off unlimited download

I want to purchase any wordpress theme from below link, as per your offer will I be able to download theme from below link, what will be the price?
will there be any limitation, like after subscription is over, will this theme continue working?

ThemeForest is not part of the promotion you’re talking about.

Envato Elements is a subscription service and you can only download what is on Envato Elements.

The Envato Marketplaces (ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, GraphicRiver, VideoHive, 3DOcean, PhotoDune, and AudioJungle), are not included with the subscription service.

Yes, it will continue to work after the subscription ends, however, you will not get any updates, and support is not included with subscription in the first place. If you want full support and access to all future updates, then you need to buy each theme separately from ThemeForest.

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